Saturday, April 3, 2010

I have to have it!!

I have to have chapstick or else my lips would be so dry and crack. I bought an EOS chapstick in summer fruit a few days ago and I love it. I heard about it from Michelle Phan who used it in her recent videos. Since its her favorite, I thought I might just try it out. As results, it smells so good that you want to lick your own lips. It is so butter (almost!). The only drawback is that its kindna bulky making it hard to carry if I wear a wristlet or if I want to put it in my pocket. My guy friend was like only girls would carry that around because its too big for guys to put it in their pocket. Another thing is, it dry up quicker than my burt's bee chapstick. Overall, I like this product and will get another one if I don't get sick of this one by the time I'm done with it.


  1. I've heard SOOO MUCH about this EOS chapstick. Where did you get yours? I can't seem to find them anywhere

  2. lmao! thats so cute, a little ball haha.
    What exactly does it smell like, i imagine
    something like strawberry or bubblicious
    hmmm. xD

    check out my blog:


holla back!!